Going to do the #FandomFriendingMeme by @the_wanlorn@artisan.chat because it seems fun!
1. How long have you been in fandom?
This depends on how you count, but I'll count from when I first published on AO3, which was in July of 2019! So even though I've been fandom-adjacent since the yonder years, I'm actually kind of a fandom baby.
2. Which fandoms are you in now?
Right now I'm pretty much exclusively a #KinnPorscheTheSeries bitch (specifically #KimChay), but I will still happily talk about past fandoms!
3. Do you create transformative works?
I do! I mostly write fanfic and draw digital art. I also sometimes dabble in silly gifs. OH and I read my fic chapters aloud to some of my readers before I post them, so I've been considering trying podficcing too!
4. What was your first fandom?
It depends how you track it. I was obsessed with #BBCMerlin as it was airing, from the start. But I wasn't really too deep into online spaces during that time. The person who finally dragged me into fandom years later did so using #TheVampireDiaries, but the first actual fan community I joined was for #Shadowhunters, specifically #Malec.
5. How often has fic made you cry?
I don't often cry while reading fic. I have cried reasonably often while writing it.
6. Rec a fic that you love!
For #KimChay I recommend anything by MajorinMonster, especially "heaven can't help me now" (https://archiveofourown.org/works/43240096/chapters/108683629) and "Sacrosanct" by venagrey (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42637098/chapters/107101932).
For #Malec I'd strongly recommend "a cold night for good deeds" by theprophetlemonade (https://archiveofourown.org/works/16804750/chapters/39443815).
Please mind the tags!!! These fics all contain mature themes.
7. Who's your ult OTP?
Well that changes over time I'm sure. But my number 1 obsession right now is #KimChay and I think this one's going to last a good long while.
8. Share a pic that would convince someone to fall for your current fandom.
Behold... my blorbo.
9. Have you ever met a fandom friend IRL?
For sure! I've met fandom friends across the whole world. I especially love having fandom friends visit me! It brings me a lot of joy to sit around writing fic and drawing in the same space.
10. What's the last fandom merch or craft you got?
Not sure if this counts, but I moved heaven and earth to contact a small designer in Thailand who made some pants for #JeffSatur, so I could order a few pairs for myself. They're in the mail now and I'm so excited!!
11. Rare pairs, big ships, or gen?
12. Are you multi-fandom or mono-fannish?
I'm a one-obsession-at-a-time type of hoe, but I tend to keep my past loves nearby. I'm just slowly collecting them.
13. When did you last travel for fandom?
My fandom friends often are the ones who come visit me, so it's been awhile since I've had to travel. Maybe last time I went to the UK counts, this past spring? Right now I'm saving up for the #KPTSWorldTour.
14. How did you get into your current fandom?
All my feeds on all of the websites were very suddenly flooded with #KinnPorscheTheSeries from all sides. A close fandom friend of mine then bullied me into watching the series so I could join a fandom Discord server with them and share my art there.
I was already in the perfect state to be vulnerable to a new ship, since I was on the way out of a long term relationship, and #KimChay just stole my heart.
15. What's your favorite trope?
There are too many to name. But off the top of my head, I really enjoy the sunshine/scary sunshine protector dynamic, slow burn, and enemies to lovers I think. I also love it when tropes tastefully subvert expectations.
16. 3 tags that will make me click no matter what:
- Protective Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun
- Jealous Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun
- Possessive Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun
... I have a type.
17. Fav fest you've participated in?
I'm going to assume that this just means a fandom event of some kind? I think that Fandom Trumps Hate is pretty cool, and it's pushed me to draw for some fandoms I'm not generally a part of which is very fun. I always try to have at least one listing every year.
18. An upcoming fest you're excited about?
Hmm, the #KinnPorscheTheSeries rec fest is coming up! It seems cute. A week of recc'ing other people's wonderful fanworks!
19. What's your favorite episode/song/moment from your current fandom?
Moment, probably the #KimChay club scene in #KinnPorscheTheSeries episode 12, which I posted a GIF from above. Song, definitely Why Don't You Stay by Jeff Satur, which is a recurring theme in the series, and the singer plays half of my favorite ship.
All done!!!! (I don't really do tagging unless I'm fairly embedded in the community which I'm not.)
These are fun, thank you all for the lovely friend meme!!