#TADALEE you are getting votes from me today and for the rest of the week
yes good I approve
Every week I think that #Shoya can't get any more cunty, and every week he proves me wrong.
ack their song was a big NO though, except for when #TiaRay was singing. She could probably sing anything and make it compelling. The rest, no, it didn't work.
I don't think my darling Shoya is going to make it past the next elimination. He did well but it just didn't suit him.
okay I guess the people do love him and I'll keep voting for him
From what little I could see of Shoya's manicure, it was pretty damn cunty too. Pink with gold highlights I think?? and actually *long* nails which you almost never see on guys (apart from drag queens).
I liked the original song a lot and especially #OuyangNana's cello sounded so badass.
(The lyrics were a bit naff but I'll cut them some slack because they were clearly under a lot of pressure as they tried to write the song and prepare the stage at the same time.)
I'm so delighted that 2 of the 3 outsiders from my top 5 also got MVP of their groups today
#Duy and #Shoya are still in with a chance although it's a fairly slim chance I guess.
I don't know why, but I still feel a tiny glimmer of hope for Pray. He's so adorable I cannot bear to think of him being eliminated.
@lookitmychicken I really liked the song too, would love to hear a more polished version
@lookitmychicken I'm all caught up, yay! I don't guess I need to give more votes to Xiong now lol. More votes for Pray!
@Musicappreciator7 I enjoyed Xiong's performance very much but I was surprised he got MVP when there were 3 Thai boys in his team, and one of them was Dorn
@lookitmychicken I think Bammie spoiled (for the people at the recording) that GOT7 were going to perform in Thailand but I'm not sure how many picked up on it. He was so cute about Python. The group did well, though I wanted a bit more sexy from their dance